Spring Snows

It’s only 24 days to Spring but here in Montana we can still get snow & plenty of it! It’s a beautiful time of year with longer days ahead & a slow transition to Spring. In a few weeeks our Sandhill Cranes will return with their distinct calls & dances, Bears will start to emerge from their dens (the boars emerge first), The Bull Elk are dropping their antlers & starting growth on their new set, The Whitetail Deer will shed their winter attire for a different shade of lighter wear & The Canada Geese will start scoping out our pond for their new nest & another bunch of bobbing, yellow goslings. It’s an active time of year for all the wildlife & the migrating ones which will return to their Summer home in a few weeks.
Spring brings a refreshing sense & smell of renewal & this year a new hope for mankind. We are looking forward to Spring & to Spring-ing forward on the 14th! We are also looking ahead to Summer, Fall & Winter this year with a new excitement & desire for normalcy. And praying that soon we will all be getting together with family & friends like the good ol days! We hope you will find some time to come & visit us & enjoy our Spring Snows.